Is there a cure for IBS? The million dollar question...
Like me, you’ve probably read many miracle stories for IBS – and sighed.
All those stories of “DO THIS and you will be cured“. I get it.
We know it’s not that simple. Because we would already have found the solution!
So can there be a way out? Not a pill or a magic wand.
A path from where we are now towards a freer life?
I found a way out of IBS
One day I actually stumbled upon a way out.
Finally I got rid of my chronic IBS symptoms after YEARS with this condition, even though officially “there isn’t a cure for IBS”.
Today I no longer suffer from food intolerance. I can eat whatever I like and I have more energy and optimism than ever.
And I’m no longer obsessed with needing to “go”.
I’m not saying this to frustrate you, but to hopefully inspire you. Yes, there is better.
Specialists examined me and said I had physical reasons for having IBS:
My colon was longer than average, which was why I had digestive problems and constipation;
My epiglottis (the muscular flap that closes to prevent food and fluids from going down the windpipe) didn’t close properly, causing reflux.
This was their conclusion as to the why.
What I have since found out was that these were SYMPTOMS, NOT the ROOT CAUSES of my IBS.
For a long time I believed that my fate had been sealed.
I believed there was no IBS cure, and that I had to live with it. And I wasted a lot of time believing the “facts”.
Is there a cure for IBS?
Maybe it’s the word “cure” that is causing a misinterpretation.
IBS isn’t a “disease”- it’s a syndrome.
It’s essentially your body letting you know that something inside you is out of balance. And if you don’t react, it may well develop new symptoms and tell you louder it needs help – until you do something to support your body and heal.
So you don’t actually need a cure for IBS…
Instead, it would be wise to find out why your body is reacting in the way it is.
And then address the reasons behind those reactions.
If you have had IBS for a long time, you may have some triggers that are more difficult to tackle. However you should be able to improve and even release your IBS if you are committed to change.
The type of change that brings pleasure and fun back into life.
What worked for me
I had NO IDEA if I could ever truly beat IBS. I just chose to open up my thinking and experiment, because I realised that my doctor did not have the answers I needed.
Through in-depth research I came to understand that we are made up of:
- a powerful mind,
- an amazingly designed body
- emotions as a compass
- and energy flowing through us
All working together, not separately.
I personally needed to balance and heal all 4 parts in order to recover from IBS.
This path took time, commitment and financial investment.
It became my PRIORITY.
Not something that would be nice. Something pressing that I HAD to do for myself.
Is IBS curable? What you need to know
There are definitely certain times in our lives when we are in a better position to engage in IBS recovery.
However, for me there are also 2 conditions that allow for the possibility of recovery:
Believing it is possible
Our minds are powerful, and so are our beliefs!
If you allow that possibility of finding a solution for your IBS to exist, a new door can open up for you.
If you decide there’s no way out of IBS, then that door stays shut.
Taking responsibility for your IBS
This means allowing yourself to feel, and trusting yourself more. Instead of just relying on what other people think.
You need to become the expert of your own IBS, to understand why you have it, and what you can do for your body not to need it anymore.
Why not commit to finding out more about holistic approaches and learn how your body, mind, emotions and energy work? And go looking for the roots of your IBS?
If you want and experienced guide to help you, why not work with me?