What’s stopping you breaking free from IBS

break free from ibs

If you’re reading this blog you are smart. You are actively hunting high and low for how to suffer less with your IBS symptoms, and get more of what you want in this life. And yet something is stopping you breaking free from your IBS.

You may have been looking for a long time (I was looking for YEARS). But don’t despair.

YOU are among the very small percentage of IBS sufferers who are actually destined to break free of their IBS.

That said, there will be obstacles on your path to progress:

Breaking free from IBS: The deal breakers

There are a number of beliefs that may be keeping you where you are.

How do I know? Because I had to get past ALL of these myself! And I had to get help.

I invite you to take a look at the list of common blocks below, and see which ones speak to you the most.

1) Not making your IBS a priority (If you want to beat it, it requires your focus until you do.)

2) Maybe feeling selfish about putting yourself first and doing what it takes to release IBS (when it will benefit everyone around you too.)

3) Feeling that somehow you’re not capable. (You ARE capable.)

4) Possibly feeling deep down that you don’t deserve better. (You DO deserve better.)

breaking free of IBS

5) As you are smart, thinking you should somehow know all the answers (How could you? And are you ready to learn?)

6) Maybe feeling that getting support shows weakness (Every single person has their own unique blindspots, and needs someone else to “see” them.)

7) Worrying that you will feel foolish (Because you are assuming you won’t get the results you want.)

What if you COULD break free from IBS?

I’m on a mission to coach and support as many people as I can out of IBS.

Click HERE if you are ready to sieze the day.