How can you stop IBS flare-ups and the symptoms of your IBS attacks? There is a way. Once you understand what causes your IBS flare-ups. Here is what you need to look out for:
A typical IBS flare-up
Despite ALL your efforts, the moment things seem to be working for you…
BAM! Something will trip you up – and set off IBS symptoms like digestive problems, bloating, poop problems – or a full-blown flare-up!
The symptoms for an IBS attack can take you out for several hours – or several days.
Over time you may have noticed that some of the things that set you off. But others are operating without you being aware of them.
Some don’t even make sense. [Until they do!]
If you have regular IBS flare-ups, chances are that you are hitting a tripwire often.
Maybe even every day.
That’s why your very best efforts aren’t paying:
You’re up against an unknown opponent, working in the background. Keeping you stuck.
What causes IBS flare-ups?
While having a flare-up plan can be helpful, the best way I have found to stop IBS flare-ups is to take out the trip-wires. Those triggers that keep tripping you up and starting off that familar downwards spiral.
So what are those tripwires? They are unique to each person. However they are usually related to incidents that cause you to feel strong emotions – or just feel plain bad.
A concrete example of a tripwire

Situation 1: You go to work and your boss is on your back. He/she wants a last-minute change to your work, and it’s going to take you a couple of hours. It makes you behind and messes up your plans.
You feel rushed, taken for granted. Deep down you feel bad and resentful.
This situation will be a tripwire for some people and cause their IBS flare-up. They’ll feel more and more drained as the morning goes by. They’ll get to the cantine, and pick something as a reward. And BAM! The IBS flare-up will start.
Situation 2: A couple of weeks may go by, and your partner invites someone for dinner last-minute, You are left rushing around, trying to improvise what to serve up.
You feel rushed, taken for granted, not particularly good as the improvised dinner is not as good as you’d like – and resentful. It’s essentially the same tripwire in a different form.

Situation 3: Another time your daughter leaves her sport’s gear on the school bus. And you are left having to rush to the bus terminal to get it back before school tomorrow.
When your daughter gets her bag back, she has her earphones on and just nods and carries on with her music. You feel rushed, taken for granted, and resentful.
Can you see how these 3 situations are echoes of the same core situation and feelings?
Someone wants something from you – you feel rushed – put your needs aside – feel taken for granted/resentful
By the way, this particular tripwire is common if you are used to having a narcissist in your life.
How to durably deal with IBS flare-ups

Firstly, you need to identify what is setting you off. This will be unique to YOU.
What exactly causes the symptoms of your IBS attacks? (This is my particular talent.)
These tripwires can be tough to notice when they are part of your everyday life and habitual patterns of thinking.
When you can see a tripwire setting off your IBS flare-ups, you then have the choice of:
- avoiding it
- changing your reaction to it (yes, this is possible!)
And this is a powerful place to be in!
If you want support in durably releasing your reaction – and your IBS flare-ups, why not work with me?