Do you suffer from regular IBS and bloating? You’re not alone. But do you know what causes bloating?
If you know what is causes your bloating, you can suffer less. Here is something outside the usual realms of diet and gut health that is worth considering.
How much are you bloating?
Some people bloat a little. It doesn’t look much from the outside, but there is the feeling of a lot of gas and pressure on the inside.
I started out bloating like this, and progressively the bloating got worse. Before beating IBS, I was bloating up two dress sizes every day, and looked pregnant.
That’s when I made the decision that this finally had to stop.
I found some welcome relief with essential oils, but to reverse it I had to find the root cause.
What causes bloating?
So your specialist has told that you are eating the wrong foods, swallowing too much air, and you have too many bad bacteria in your gut. AKA it’s all your fault.
Well, there is a pattern I first noticed in myself, and then in my clients. Beyond the food and all the other reasons we think we are bloating, there is emotional bloating.
And the emotion I find the most often in clients is stuffed down anger.
Often we are not aware of repressed anger in us. However I am intuitive, and I can often actually sense the fizzing, cramping and pressure going on for someone.
This can stem from dealing with IBS and bloating itself. But more often is linked to some time or event in childhood when they got angry (for a very good reason), and couldn’t express that anger.
Maybe that’s why bloating is so common.
Were you encouraged to express anger as a child? Probably not.
And yet we can be on the receiving end of an adult’s anger and have to deal with that.
I repressed my anger so much it burst one day at school and I ended up in a fight with a tall angry teenager whose parents had divorced. It was violent and we hurt each other physically. I was actually shocked at what had happened, and I vowed I would never let my anger out again. EVER.
And the bloating started.
Repressed anger is known to create a whole host of conditions, from depression to digestive issues.
Notice your emotions
If you have decided to reverse your IBS, gently start to notice what you are really feeling as you go through your day.
Emotions are more powerful than you might think!
So see if you can notice when someome really riles you – and you take it.
Gently get honest about why (without blaming yourself).
Is this kind of situation very familiar? Does it feel wrong to express your feelings? Or difficult to deal with conflict outright?
It did for me.
Do your feelings feel too strong to express? (Know that there are gentle ways to let it out).
Are you trying NOT to be like someone who was angry with you?
If you avoid conflict and suffer from IBS and bloating, this could be worth considering.
And help you release bloating for good.