Reverse your IBS

reverse irritale bowel syndrome

Can you reverse IBS symptoms? I believe that yes, this is possible for a majority of IBS sufferers who are determined to change.

Why do I say this? Because I have reversed my own long-term chronic irritable bowel syndrome myself. Even though officially you can’t. I now coach determined people to reverse their IBS by helping them find and release the triggers that keep setting off their IBS flares.

If you could reverse your IBS too, how would you spend your life and what would be different going forward?

How much time would you save?

reverse IBS - save time

Do you know roughly how many hours do you typically spend on your IBS each week?

Probably more than you would expect.

I used to spend a whopping 25 hours a week on my IBS.

What about you?

If you want to quickly work this out, you can use these prompts:

  1. Planning for IBS: ________ hours

This includes things like:

  • Buying special foods
  • Working out what you can wear
  • Working out what activities you hope to be able to do
  • Googling about IBS hacks and relief

2. Dealing with IBS: ________ hours

This includes things like:

  • Time spent in the bathroom/on the toilet at home, or while out
  • Extra time spent getting ready to go out
  • Going to see doctors and getting tests and meds
  • In bed/off work/in pain

3. Recovering from IBS: ________ hours

This includes things like:

  • Time after a flare-up where you’re not feeling productive
  • Resting and waiting for things to improve
  • Cancelling arrangements last-minute and reorganising/catching up afterwards
  • Hours of lost sleep/ not sleeping well

Total: _____ hours/week

This is for your eyes only. There’s no need to feel bad about it. You are where you are.

And there are A LOT of people in the same boat. As you know, I used to be too.


If you could reverse IBS and feel better.

What do you LOVE and want to do more of? An activity you’d love to do, or maybe just having time to have a lie-in and relax more.

What would you use all that extra time for?

How much more money could you be earning?

reverse IBS - save money

How much more could you be earning each month if you felt good and no longer had IBS symptoms to deal with?

Maybe you have had to change job to accommodate having IBS.

Or you’re not performing as well as you know you could otherwise (through no fault of your own) and passing up on promotions because of IBS.

Add it up x 12. How much is that per year?

This is the fun part: Imagine that money was in your bank account right now. What would you spend that extra money on instead?

How much enjoyment could you get back?

get more fun and enjoyment out of life

Are you made for more than IBS? The answer is a resounding YESSSSS! Yet despite our best efforts, IBS tends to steal our enjoyment and energy.

Imagine you could reverse IBS symptoms and get more fun and sparkle back.

What would be different?

What would you start enjoying again that you haven’t in a long time?

Maybe your thing is dancing, hiking, travelling. For my clients it’s often the simple things they used to do, and miss because of their embarrassing IBS symptoms.

Can you reverse IBS? The answer is probably YES!

Rather than just wishing, why not work with me and start to reverse your IBS symptoms. You have SO much to gain!