If you have IBS but you aren’t getting relief, here’s what you should know about your digestive system – but no-one ever tells you.
You think (and are told) that your digestive system is all about diet and the organs/chemical reactions involved in breaking down and properly assimilating that food. That’s what you’ve been told.
But if that’s the whole story, why aren’t you getting relief?
Why does the digestive system get out of balance?
If you have ongoing, long-term digestive issues, they could actually have VERY LITTLE to do with the classic food-organ-chemical process.
Instead of making food your enemy, consider this:
Your digestive system (and more specifically the enteric nervous system) could be repeatedly affected by your reactions to people, events, and situations in your life, thus interfering with peristalsis (the natural wave-like motion that moves food through the body).
Either the enteric nervous system pushes food too quickly, resulting in diarrhoea.
Or it slows down, causing constipation.
Where did those reactions come from?
For most people they will have roots in childhood experiences.
What does my digestive system have to do with that?
During childhood we all live a singular experience.
We grow up with, and depend on caregivers who are acting out their own childhood wounds. (And who are also going through their own challenges as an adult.)
Take the parent (or teacher) who is always angry and makes their child feel on edge all the time.
That parent has little control over their anger.
They get easily triggered by other people, including their child and blame them for making them angry.

If this happens often, that child may well grow up feeling that something about them is “wrong” or “not enough” or “not loveable”.
All of this is unconscious to us. We act in ways we don’t always understand.
We may feel shame, guilt and feelings of being “less than”, assuming this is who we are.
And we may have developed a very sensitive nervous system that stirs up our digestive system when these feelings come up.
It’s not who we are. It’s who we think we are.
We are simply reacting to our childhood wounding. And bracing ourselves.
Over and over – until we see it. And learn to break that cycle.
That’s when we can get lasting IBS relief.
A special mention for empaths
If like me you’re an empath, chances are you want to help everyone around you so they feel better.
I was surprised to learn that empaths tend to unconsciously take on the emotional energy of the parents, either to appease the situation and it’s consequences (an effective coping mechanism), or just to take some of their upset.
This means that some of your triggers may not even be your own!
The good news: Once you see this, you can stamp on them if you want too! And let them go.
Benefits of breaking the cycle for your IBS and digestive system

By learning to break the cycle can REALLY benefit you in three ways:
Firstly, your digestive system can begin to rebalance and heal.
You could well be able to reboot your whole system, say goodbye to food intolerance, and even have food intolerance become a non-issue (imagine that!).
I would NEVER have believed that this could be possible, not from the state I was in.
Today I can have all the foods I could have only dreamt of.
Secondly you get to feel so much better and so much more empowered in your life.
You get to have lasting IBS relief. And that is truly life-changing!
Finally, you get to be a nicer person for those around you.
In fact, you get to be who you really are.
Because you’re not being triggered all the time!
And you’re not having to deal with IBS, or worry about food, wind, bloating and toilets.