IBS: Don’t beat yourself up

with IBS don't beat yourself up

Do you tend to beat yourself up about your IBS? I know I did.

We’ve all done it. After a hard day we’ve eaten that dish that we know we’ll “pay for”, had a few crisps or had a glass of wine, secretly hoping to get away with it – this once.

Then our worst thoughts get confirmed, and the cramps start.

And we know we are in for it

What beating yourself up does

It’s really hard being confined to a limited diet with so much delicious food around. Especially around Christmas where temptation is everywhere.

So if you have IBS, please don’t beat yourself up. You’re just human.

If you start by thinking that you are at fault, it just makes things worse. And makes it all last longer.

It’s so easy to let that inner critic take hold and start thinking detrogatory thoughts, like:

“Stupid – you KNEW that would happen. Why did you do that – AGAIN?”

(Whose voice does that remind you of…..?)

This kind of thinking may be a habitual pattern. But it keeps you in a downward spiral for longer.

We all have days when we slip up, or when we want more. And it’s no big deal. It’s part of being human.

You already have a flare-up to deal with. That’s’ enough, isn’t it?

Don’t beat yourself up about IBS

Be a good friend to yourself

If your friend did this, I’m sure you would find something more compassionate to say, like:

“It’s only human to want to be able to enjoy a variety of food”. And you would sincerely mean it.

What if you could be that friend to yourself?

What if you give yourself credit for getting up every day and doing what you can, despite chaotic IBS flares.

Giving yourself permission

Food is supposed to be a pleasure. Something we look forward to, that nurtures us. Unfortunately, for many people this is not what happens with IBS.

Food becomes that very touchy subject at every mealtime.

And it comes round 2-3 times every day.

So with IBS, don’t beat yourself up. You’re really doing your best, every day.

Don’t forget that there are times where you eat exactly what you should – and get a flare-up anyway. Despite doing your best.

So please don’t look at eating something “you shouldn’t” as self-sabotage, and that you are failing. Or that there is something wrong with you, because that’s just not true.

You’re just doing your best, living with IBS. 

P.S. There is a way out of all of this IBS chaos. If you are determined.