IBS: Your story lies behind every flare-up

Your IBS your story

Your IBS and your story are inextricably linked. Your unique story lies behind every IBS flare-up you have ever had – and ever will have. Even if it doesn’t look like it from the outside, this is what is happening on the inside.

Everyone’s IBS is different. That doesn’t mean that you can’t solve it. However you need to know yourself much better and get in touch with your unique story to do so.

You have probably heard of the brain-gut axis. A whole field of research that has officially demonstrated how the brain (mind) affects the gut and even the quality of your biome, and how the gut affects the mind.  This shows that your thoughts, emotions and body interact.

And even without the research, you know this to be true. You only need to have to stand up and speak in public or at a meeting to really feel your gut react, and other parts of your body too (like your shoulders tightening).

Likewise, your mind and body react to your story.

So what do I mean by “your story”?

It is the story of your body and what it has lived through and experienced.

But it is also the story of your mind, and how it has learned to keep you safe and helps you navigate through the choices and actions in you life.

Your story is also your emotional body, crafted by the people and experiences that have impacted your life.

All these experiences covering up the essence of who you are, the unique you.

Your IBS and your story

That is your story.

Like me, you may have tried to throw away the episodes that were difficult (and in doing so you may have lost touch with the good times too). Instead of being able to understand them at the time, you may have just felt the emotional pain and pushed them away.

But if you were not able understand them and let them go (and no-one teaches us how to let them go) they are still there, stored inside your body and deep inside your mind. If too much of this negative energy gets stored, it starts interfering with normal body function.

You can’t see these “lost” parts of your story, the parts you pushed away – but you carry them around. However, if you pay close attention you can feel them. They are what gets stirred up every time you encounter a trigger, and what are behind each and every flare-up.

It is your story that sets your IBS triggers in place, and sets them off every time you have a flare-up.

Your story is behind every flare-up you have ever had. This is the key to unlocking your IBS if modern medicine has not been able to help.

That’s why looking closely at your unique IBS triggers is so important. They help you create a map of the parts of your story that don’t make sense to you. To see them for what they are –  and let them go.

This is my work and my passion: To help IBS sufferers see what they can’t see.

To help them understand their story and above all, help them release their triggers – and their IBS.

Curious? Don’t just take my word for it. Why not jump on a discovery call?