The secret to IBS

The secret to IBS

This Christmas I would like to share with you the secret to IBS that most people are missing: IBS is an inside job.

If you have already been looking everywhere for answers to your IBS symptoms, but not moving the needle, this could be why…

❄️ Fixing IBS from the outside ❄️

Now you know the secret to IBS, you may realise that you have been concentrating on fixing your IBS from the outside. Focused on food, swallowing remedies and avoiding trigger situations.

I certainly did for 25 years where I didn’t make much headway. I, like you, read about food and lifestyle causing IBS symptoms – even that swallowing too much air while eating can cause bloating (!!)

All the lessons on digestion and gut health sound very logical. And backed by science.

But no-one asks the question “How did my gut become imbalanced in the first place? Or if they do, they conclude it was antibiotics, food poisoning or gastroenteritis.

Despite what this looks like, these “causes” may have been the last straw for your system.

But they probably were not the root cause.

🤝The inside secret to IBS 🤝

The secret to IBS can be found deep within our operating system.

Although we have a clever conscious mind, where we think about practical solutions, it does not really drive our lives.

In the background we have the subconscious mind, that we are not really aware of. It is a huge database containing all the memories of experiences we have ever had, and the feelings we had about them.

stay safe

It classifies the level of percieved risk in what we are doing at a given time, based on events we have long forgotten.

This is amazing for keeping us safe.

However, if we want to become more in our lives, or reverse IBS, it will stop us doing so until it senses safety.

The problem is, that to change a situation you have to stop going round in circles and try something new; And this, by definition, registers as unknown and therefore risky.

What the perception of unsafe can create

This is where you get a huge flare-up before your first day in that job you’re really excited about. You’ve been excited about things before that didn’t work out and left you feeling upset. So the unconscious mind will attempt to take you out of the situation you say you want – in an attempt to keep you safe.

Once you’re aware of this setup, you can start doing something about it. Understanding how this secret links to your IBS can be truly transformative.

As Carl G Jung said ” Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

smoke detector Reversing IBS from the inside: The seceret to IBS

So how does this specifically relate to IBS symptoms?

Each of us has experiences in our everyday life that set off our “I’m not safe” system. They are small enough and discrete enough, and so familiar that the conscious mind doesn’t really register them.

They don’t immediately make sense to the mind at all. But our unconscious mind and body definitely do pick up on even the most subtle changes in our emotional state.

Especially if they are flagged as “unsafe”.

In the case of IBS symptoms, there are specific types of perceptions and reactions (triggers) that have created your IBS symptoms, including constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and abdominal or back pain. And that are keeping them coming.

Your IBS triggers will be unique to you – in the same way as your experiences and perception of those experiences will also be unique to you.

The IBS secret: Reversing IBS from the inside

This is the secret to IBS: To reverse IBS, you have to become aware of what those triggers are for each IBS symptom you are experiencing. And release them.

This is a tricky exercise. If you can imagine for a moment that you probably have 4 or 5 main triggers, and several subtriggers branching off from those.

As you go through your day, you may encounter one, or several of these triggers. And this is why your IBS doesn’t make sense. It’s not always the same triggers that are setting you off.

IBS is a puzzle that must be solved from the inside. No amount of outside doing, like diet tweaking or taking supplements will actually get the lasting relief you are craving. The true secret to IBS lies within you.

What if this could be the last Christmas you ever spend with IBS?

Reversing IBS can be long and difficult to achieve without someone experienced in helping you see your specific IBS blindspots. Why not gift yourself the support and guidance you deserve to break free?

🎄Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas🎄