Your IBS symptoms don’t make sense


IBS symtpoms don't make sense

Do you feel that your IBS symptoms don’t make sense? It’s a really common problem. One day you will be relatively fine, and the next you will have a flare-up for no apparent reason. It’s SO frustrating!

Trying to make sense of it all

IBS symptoms don't make senseIBS busting is like being in a detective movie. You have the crime (the pain) and all you have to go on are your symptoms scattered around or hidden in odd places as clues.

But it’s not as easy as Cluedo, where you can proceed logically to find the culprit.

IBS is much more complex and elusive. As hard as you try symptoms just don’t make sense.

Have you ever had the situation where you think you might be on to something, and then a flare-up starts up and you go back to square one?

If you can’t really see any pattern to speak of, this stops you moving forward. So you have no option but to go back to taking meds and trying to “manage symptoms”.

Here is a more empowering way to move forward.

Do you ever get the impression that there are keys to your IBS symptoms that you are just not seeing?

IBS triggersBehind your IBS symptoms are triggers. These triggers are the invisible buttons that get pushed and set off the reactions in your body. These may be food triggers, related to food intolerance. And as we all have digestive or poop problems of one sort or another, this seems like a logical place to start. (Although in my experience, food triggers are not just about the food!)

However there are other types of trigger that you need to consider. Despite what it looks like on the outside, food triggers are often only part of the puzzle.

Where to look when your IBS symptoms don’t make sense

If your IBS symptoms don’t make sense, and your IBS triggers are not clear, the most useful place you can look for clues is when your IBS started.

Not just the day it started, but also the few months prior to that.

So in your mind go back to that time when your IBS started up. And look there for clues about cause and effect:

What was going on in your life back then?

How were you feeling?

Maybe there was a particular event that was painful or that you found difficult?

Or maybe you were in a situation that lasted over several months.

Did you start a new job?

Was it a time of great change?

Did you move?

Did you split up with a friend, or your partner?

Maybe there were several things going on at the same time.

Don’t underestimate the clues that come to mind. They tell you a great deal about yourself, & your IBS.

And if you’re sick of searching for triggers, but determined to beat your IBS, why not work with me?