Tag Archives: IBS symptoms

IBS versus colon cancer

IBS vs colon cancer

Many IBS sufferers secretly wonder if their ongoing symptoms are really just IBS – or something more sinister like colon cancer. There is no reason to be alarmed. However as awareness is power, here is what you need to know about IBS vs colon cancer: What you should know about IBS vs colon cancer The main symptoms can look similar to some typical IBS symptoms.… Read more
How to stop IBS flare-ups

What causes IBS flare-ups and how to stop them

How can you stop IBS flare-ups and the symptoms of your IBS attacks? There is a way. Once you understand what causes your IBS flare-ups. Here is what you need to look out for: A typical IBS flare-up Despite ALL your efforts, the moment things seem to be working for you… BAM!… Read more